International Women's Day: a. hartrodt promotes female careers

In Brisbane, Gdynia and Stuttgart, more and more women successfully lead teams.

In pink steel cap boots, Chantal Churchward learned at a. hartrodt Australia how to drive a forklift and unpack a container. "I wasn't able to lift as much as some warehouse storemen," she recalls. "But we women have other advantages," she says today as Operations Manager on the occasion of World Women's Day on March 8. Her examples include a keen attention to detail or an eye for planning, she says: "As a result, we've set in place key processes in Brisbane to mitigate our responsiveness and reduce stock discrepancies and losses." Chantal Churchward has worked for twelve years at a. hartrodt Australia, where women make up a strong proportion of the team.

Highest standards for equal opportunities worldwide

The freight forwarder applies the highest standards for equal opportunities worldwide. Annika Leukhardt, Team Leader Airfreight Export at a. hartrodt in Stuttgart, benefits from this. In 21 years with the company, she has never experienced a disadvantage as a woman: "Ability and commitment have always been assessed, not gender." The logistics industry is no longer a male domain, and the higher proportion of women at her location is "clearly visible".

Continuing education and training for female staff

As a supervisor, Annika Leukhardt tries to promote talent with a great deal of empathy. "Many women are more modest than their male colleagues and sometimes present themselves less well, despite their immense skills," she observes. For this reason, she supports female employees in their development and also their continuing education and training, as well as their participation in various projects. This has also enabled her own career or that of Sylwia Skrocka, Team Leader Road Freight Office at a. hartrodt Polska. "The support from the management, the development of skills through knowledge sharing were important for me and helped a lot in establishing the office in Gdynia," she says.

The mother of two children finds that female life experience qualifies for logistics jobs: "Women cope well in stressful situations because they combine work and family life. Thanks to clear rules and the division of tasks at a. hartrodt, Sylwia Skrocka can focus on her work and has time for her family.