Next generation takes over at a. hartrodt

Felix Wenzel is the new Managing Partner besides Jan van Tienhoven.

On January 1, 2021, the management holding of a. hartrodt has become significantly younger with the new Managing Partner Felix Wenzel. The 34-year-old is half the age of his father Andreas Wenzel, who handed over all tasks to his son before his retirement. Together with the second Managing Partner, Jan van Tienhoven, Felix Wenzel intends to continue the freight forwarding company's very successful course to date: "Solutions for the customer have traditionally been the focus at a. hartrodt, and a strong service factor is particularly important in Corona times," he emphasizes.

From England via Australia to Malaysia

After completing his apprenticeship as Management Assistant for Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services in Hamburg, Felix Wenzel studied business management and logistics in England. He completed his bachelor's degree with honors, and then joined a. hartrodt Australia. For four years he worked in Melbourne – first as Operations Manager, later as Sales and Business Development Manager. In July 2018, he became Managing Director Malaysia and remained in Selangor until the end of 2020.

Continuing to perfect services

Together with Jan van Tienhoven, Felix Wenzel is pursuing local and regional growth targets as well as stronger cross-regional networking. He has taken over responsibility for the Far East, Oceania and Western/Southern Europe from Andreas Wenzel. Jan van Tienhoven is responsible for North and South America and both together for Germany/Eastern Europe. Felix Wenzel wants to “further perfect the sourcing and supply of services in order to be able to act even better for customers.” In addition, alternative rail and truck services are to be expanded. However, according to Jan van Tienhoven, the priority in 2021 is to bring the family business "through another Corona year in good shape".

Andreas Wenzel will remain with the company until the end of June. "We have to prepare a lot of financial statements for about 60 companies," he explains. In 43 years of professional experience, he has built up "a global network of human relationships across all cultures" for a. hartrodt.